Sunday, 14 August 2011

Four weeks + 1

I quite enjoy Sunday mornings at the moment, Neil is fussing about in the kitchen and has already hung the washing on the line, I'm just sitting doing nothing waiting for my second cup of coffee to materialise. I am pretty sure though that once I'm fit and healthy the roles will once again reverse themselves, still it's nice while it lasts. He took me shopping yesterday, for clothes! Wow, is the word for that, actually he only took me to Primark so don't jump up and Wow, a stationary one will do, it's because I have discovered I have clothing issues!

Ok that is not a psychological problem, although it does sound like one, to put it bluntly my clothes are uncomfortable. Anyone of a sensitive nature look away now, I have an incision running from above my belly button to below my caesarian scar, ouch, well yes. At first I was lolling around the house in PJ's but people look at you funny when you go out in them, especially with your slippers on! Anyway my normal attire for leaving the house would be jeans, but that puts a zip and a button and an uncomfortable waistline right on my incision line. I know, you might be thinking, that it's been four weeks I should be feeling a little more healed up, well I think it might be because of having two done in a week, or the fact that the second was removable stitches, or because it takes weeks for the internal bruising to heal, or I'm just a bit of a moaner! Sensitive people can look back again now. So the only really comfortable trousers I can wear out are my leggings, of which I own 2 pairs, so Neil took me to Primark to buy some more and a couple of tops to wear with them (to hide the area between hip and waist). I had no idea all the different colours of leggings you can get, my favourite ones are brown (I know such a surprise), Neil says they look like jodhpurs, which may explain why I feel so at home in them. Neil likes the black ones, he's a little staid when it comes to clothes, I avoided the petrol and the mustard, much to his relief. I'm not sure if leggings are fashionable or not, I don't really care but I'm going to spend my time comfortably in them that's for sure! Although I think I may need shoes now, "Neil we need to do some more shopping", "muffled response". Tee hee.

Well my second cup of coffee has turned up, so I think I should actually go and at least do something constructive, just not too constructive, it is Sunday after all. I'm planning on a nice quiet easy day with no stress, and no worries, I really am living on another planet!

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