Sunday, 7 August 2011

Three weeks + 1

Yesterday I washed up, standing up. Wow I can hear you saying! (not)

I know this doesn't sound like much, but after three weeks in hospital I had to sit down to do everything. Brushing my teeth, having a shower, and doing the washing up. It is a combination of sheer lack of energy and your body using all it does have to fix itself. Everything tires you out, and resting after even the simplest of tasks is the norm. But, yesterday I stood and washed up and never gave it a thought, until I'd finished, so it is a good sign that I'm on the mend, and a little sad I know.

Today I'm off to the local show (horse), I'm just popping in but the food there is great and some of my friends will be there so it will be nice to say hello. I'm under instructions not to do too much from my hubby, this though is probably the norm for me so I'm not sure why he even bothers to say it. You have to push yourself a little in recovery or it will be too slow, if you push yourself really too much, you go backwards, but, having been here before I know (I think I know) what I'm doing. Hubby says "baby steps", I'm pushing for toddler ones!

Maxines 4th lesson - sometimes one step forward means two steps back, but not most of the time, so keep taking the steps.

Tomorrow I am back to being Mom, doing ordinary, boring things, just me and my boys for another week of the 6 week holidays, today I get to be Maxine just for a while.

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