Well it took all day yesterday and a good nights sleep but I think my hangover has finally gone away. Good grief how do people manage to do that kind of thing every weekend, OK I know it's another sign of my age, well good for me I'm old I can't stay up drinking until 3 in the morning, still I guess it's OK to do these things once in a blue moon. (there will be no more blue moons for me for a very long time) I did really enjoy myself at the time though, which was the major point. Enough of my boozy weekend, where is my week heading? Well today Xander is back at school, but Will has an inset day, so I've already nominated him to help me with the shopping, mind you I have to get him out of bed first, and I know he was still awake at 2 this morning as we scared the pants off each other on the landing, still you're only 15 once I suppose. Xander never takes it well when Will has a day off and he doesn't and is already complaining about feeling ill, I don't mind I think it's practically part of my Monday morning routine now dealing with Xanders fake illnesses, trouble is one of these days he really will be ill, you know the story, then I'll feel really bad. A friend of mine, who's son complained of tummy aches, which she said were probably just because he needed to go to the loo, well she felt really guilty when it turned out he had appendicitis, whoops, so I always remember that one and tread a little carefully just in case. Any way so apart from shopping and housework and Malarky and Ned, I have nothing to do today at all. (mad and sad I know)
I went and bought myself (yes I used my Uni loan money) a brand new tumble drier, it's a Zanussi one and I have no clue how to use it, it's far too complicated. My old one had a temp button, for hot and not so hot, a timer that counted round to 0 and a start button. This one has none of those things but lots of other buttons, and it beeps when you press them, and it plays a tune when it's finished, well that's what I think it means. Trouble is all my washing was relatively dry having been on an airer for a day or so, so I can't even tell you if it actually dries clothes. I can tell you it doesn't set alight whilst it's running so I'm thinking that's an improvement over the last one at least. Well I'll have to let you know how we get on with each other, trouble is, with the way I was feeling yesterday having yet one more thing that beeped at me wasn't really what I wanted to find myself.
I had better go and poke Xander and make sure he gets ready for school, and yes I'll check him for severe stomach pains before I send him out. It does actually look like it's going to be a nice day, weather wise if you look out of the window, but according to the weather report, it's not. I wonder who will be right about that today?