Friday, 7 October 2011

Eleven weeks + 6

Well I finally slept like a dead person, yesterday was a very long and busy day. By the time we'd been to Summerhill for their open evening and got ourselves settled back at home it was nearly 10 o'clock so we chilled about for a bit and eventually went to bed. I slept all the way through, and snoozed both my 7 and 7.45 alarms to finally get up at 8. I shuffled downstairs like a zombie to be greeted by "Mom what have you done?" from Xander (my hair looks really scary). The reply of "I slept" seemed enough for him, he's an easy boy at heart, thank goodness, Will would have wanted a far more detailed response and I hadn't had the caffeine in-take for that. I am leaving Will in bed until 10, unless he wakes up earlier, as before he went to school and helped with the open evening, he came to the woods with Ned and me, so I'm guessing he's pretty done in too. It's a good job it's Fun Time Friday, the most "fun" part of which is the fact it's Saturday tomorrow.

Xander went and hit me with one of those last minute "need for school tomorrow" requests that drive me nuts, and make me feel like a bad Mom all at the same time. So it was 9.30 last night and he says that it's the Harvest Festival at school tomorrow (today) and he needs to take something in. Well firstly I question the word "need", but at that moment I wasn't in the mood to argue, Neil asked what sort of something to which Xander suggested he popped out and picked up a bottle of wine, I couldn't see Neils face, but I'm pretty sure I can imagine his expression. So I went into Super-Mom mode, I don't do it very often as it's tiring. I got a small card board box and screwed up newspaper in the bottom then I covered that with a layer of tissue paper and went to the tin cupboard, the box now has a selection of tins and looks really quite attractive, more importantly I have a very happy son, who maybe won't fall out with me for another 24 hrs. I will take whatever I can get.

Today I have to go to Summerhill this afternoon, for double year 10 history, they are doing the troubles in Northern Ireland and are finding it hard to understand the depth of feelings that the Catholics and Protestants had for each other. These are kids who didn't even understand discrimination, and certainly don't get how historical victories can be turned into marches, used to stick fingers up at the other side. So it's been hard going, but very interesting watching Miss Wilson try to give them an understanding of the history of Ireland to give them a base for what happened later on. Until I go in to school I have the morning to myself, so I may bake a cake, I thought it would be a nice thing to do, and yes it's a way of avoiding doing any housework, you got me. Actually I have this huge mountain of ironing to do, an unwelcome side effect of doing all that washing. I hate ironing, but like so many other things I've noticed that it doesn't do itself, and I don't have ironing fairies, I wonder if you can get them from Amazon, you can get pretty much everything else!

It is possible that Neil and I will be adventuring to B&Q this evening, if you remember from a few weeks ago late Friday afternoon is a good time to go, whether it is "Fun" or not remains to be seen. We are going to buy paint for definite, and maybe a sink and some breakfast bar, how exciting is that. I'm stupid and suggested he should put the pipework in before he put the sink in, apparently that is stupid because it's much harder to match a sink to the pipes than the pipes to the sink. I knew that really! To be fair most of us don't spend our time thinking about the logistics of plumbing in a sink, well I know I don't, my forte is instant Harvest Festival hampers and complete chaos, and that takes up most of my time trust me!

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