Saturday, 22 October 2011

Fourteen weeks later

OK I am breaking all of my own records today and have been awake since 3.30, I'm doing the opposite of what Will likes to do in the holidays, he stays up later and later and later until he doesn't go to sleep at all in the night. I'm waking up earlier and earlier, until I'll have to start going to bed at 4 in the afternoon. Still it makes for a pretty peaceful house when you're up that early, and the look the dog gave me was really funny, he just about managed to lift his head off his bed, and then hid it under his blanket, I don't blame him I didn't want to be awake that early either. It also causes problems with meals, if you are up that early and have breakfast it feels like it's time for lunch at about 9 o'clock and dinner should be at 3, still that's OK if you're going to go to bed at 4! To be fair I seem to have a lot going through my mind at the moment, it's not that I'm worrying, well no more than usual, just busy really and so is my brain, especially at stupid times of the morning, or is it night, I'm not sure.

So fourteen weeks since my operations, they really do seem so long ago now, I sometimes read my earlier blogs and it really does amaze me how different everything is from then, and how far away all that pain is. Will even talked about the possibility of me trying for the reversal again sometime in the future, that was a major step, and not something I thought I'd hear from him, well not yet anyway. He has done so much growing up these past few months, I'm pretty confident he's going to turn into a smashing young man, and that's a nice feeling to have. Xander, on the other hand, is at the moment unlikely to reach 12, but then I remember feeling like that about Will when he was younger so there is hope for him too. If I'm honest there is some comfort in Xander behaving like a toad towards me, as it wasn't that long ago that everyone was tip toeing around me, and too worried about my well being to behave normally, now normality has resumed and Xander has gone back into being a stroppy 11 year old, rather than a carer for his Mom.

So what are we doing today, well we were supposed to be taking the caravan to Neils sisters as she is having it off us, but I think, due to a lack of communication, that has fallen through, we are still visiting Neils Mom and Dad though, so at least I know I don't have to cook tonight. Don't get me wrong I love to cook, nothing pleases me more than feeding people, but I'm not stupid I do like to be fed occasionally too. Will is not coming with us, partly because he's baby sitting tonight, but mostly because he doesn't want to, you do get to that point where your kids just don't want to come and visit Nanny and Granddad any more, actually he doesn't wan to holiday with us either so nobody needs to take it too personally. 

Oh I have to tell you, I have a sink in my utility, yes I do and it has hot and cold running water and everything. I was so pleased, as soon as it was ready I put some hand wash and a towel in there, ready for my attempt at OCD hand washing. Neil still has to fit another piece of breakfast bar and move the washing machine back in, but the plumbing was the fiddly part and that's all done now. I also have an outside tap at the back, now Xander said "haven't we always had one?", which is sort of true, but we have one at the side of the house, and there's an extension in the way if you are in the garden and want to use the hose. So, to be accurate, I have another outside tap, one at the side and one at the back. Will pointed out that it just wasn't that interesting, unless you were having a water pistol fight, which is probably true for them, but I've waited a long time for that tap, so excuse me for being a little excited about it.

I'm off now, I have housework to do, I know that's not unusual, but I didn't want to start banging around in the kitchen at 4 in the morning, I'm cruel, but not that cruel.

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