Saturday, 15 October 2011

Thirteen weeks later

Today I have a very busy day ahead of me, not that the other days in the week have been quiet, I don't seem to know how to do quiet any more. So I have a house to get sort of tidied up and ready, for having a houseful of guests and I have a lot of cooking to do. Mind you a great deal of that cooking can actually be done once they are all here, because lets face it they're not here really to visit me, but here to visit my boys and the Xbox Kinect. You do get used to not being the most interesting thing in the house, but it does take time. So my table will be groaning under the weight of the food I am going to prepare, so I hope there's going to be enough, Neil just laughs when I say things like that, apparently I always cook too much food, well I think it's much better that way, don't you.

Now I have been worrying about something for a while, well it's been a concern and I'm sure there are other parents out there like me doing the same (they'll be worrying about they're own kids not mine though), but now my concerns have grown into something more I feel like it's time to act, but I'm not sure how. It's all about Xander, he's the sensitive one, the one who wears his heart on his sleeve, takes everything so seriously. He's also the one who's built a little on the big size. Basically he's built a lot more like Neil, where as Will is built more like me, no that's not true Will is built like I was at his age, when I said to him "you have my waistline from 1986 and I'd like it back please" you should have seen his face. Any way this is about Xander, I've always worried that the kids would tease him because he's big, but he's also tall for his age, so he's bigger than all of them and it's held them at bay some what until now. Then he came home yesterday in one of his silent really angry moods, and I knew it was something to do with school, so I took him with me to the field (it's a good place to talk). Whilst I was on the phone to Neil, Xander fed Malarky and started skipping out the field, this was a very bad sign, he was so angry he was working. It turns out some girl (you knew it would be a girl) pointed at him during games and said "Xander you have man boobs", and then some other little boy whilst they were getting changed said "Yuk Xander put a T-shirt on that's disgusting" and slapped him on his belly. So I now have a giant 11 year old who never wants to go to school again, or who wants to be thin by the next time he has to go! It does make it worse that Will can stuff his face with cheesy Doritos and doughnuts and never puts on an ounce (to be fair none of really like him for that). I didn't want to put Xander on to a diet at his age, I was going to wait and see what the next growth spurt brought us and make an informed decision about it then. It's not like he's hugely over weight, I'd have done something about that, he's just carrying a little more than he needs right now.

Well if anybody has any suggestions about what I can d to help Xander without making his life completely miserable  please let me know. 

Right now I need to get the cleaning under way so I can find my kitchen, then I can start cooking. Here's hoping today goes really well!

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