The adventure with the cats continues, we have shut Herbie in the kitchen and left the door open to the utility, this is in the hope that he will give in and actually go in there and eat. There are with cats, as with children, no guarantees, so we will have to wait and see, the old chestnut "he'll eat when he gets hungry enough", doesn't apply as most cats have, like children, a stubborn streak. The other two are adapting to it quite well though, so I can be pleased about that and we always knew Herbie would be the sticking point. I have to tell you that I didn't have too bad a nights sleep, although it was a little disturbed at about 3 o'clock by Xander coming into the room because he'd had a bad dream, well we had a king size bed for a reason, so I just shuffled up a bit and told him there was a puzzle book if he didn't want to go straight back to sleep. There is nothing like a word puzzle for making the world seem more normal at 3 o'clock in the morning, OK so I am a little weird, but it works for me, and for Xander. The only problem was him wanting me to stay awake for a while and do the puzzle with him, now that was tricky. He is still snoozing the morning away, so he's obviously settled enough.
We have no real plans for today at all, which considering that Neil is on holiday is a very strange feeling. All we have to do today is a little bit of housework, and to go to the field and do Malarky, I do also have dinner to cook for tonight and my Dad and Jill are coming over late afternoon for a visit so that will be nice. Talking of fields, we have been looking up how much some of my equipment is, as I've requested a new wheel barrow for Christmas, I know you think that's a little sad, and Will wonders how you can wrap one, (ha ha) but I wanted a new one and why not ask Santa for one. I normally don't have a clue what I want for Christmas and this year I've got a really long list of things, it's funny Neil complains when I say nothing and complains when my list is long, there's no winning with this man. I really can't see that he'll be happy just pottering around the house today, (his words not mine) he's bound to find himself something. Yesterday he built a cupboard around the boiler in the kitchen, I said to Will "it's only taken him 8 years to do that", to which he replied "he only started it this morning", oh boy it's funny in this house. It is true that he's had all the bits of wood, and a door front that matches my kitchen since we fitted the kitchen 8 years ago, he just never got around to working out how best to actually build it, so he didn't. Now it looks really good, as boilers are quite ugly things, so I'm thinking that if I just leave him to his own devices he might find another job from within the last decade that he never got around to doing, or maybe finishing, that will keep him occupied all day.
I'm thinking about the week ahead, I need to ring the hairdressers and see if they can fit me in for a cut and colour, I stupidly asked Xander what colour and he said, white, well I'm stopping my consultation right there, as who knows what cut he'd come up with. I do have to remember that I have Uni lectures this week, although it will be nice not having to drag Will out of bed every morning and get him out to school, I have no clue what he'll be like next September when he'll have to leave the house almost an hour earlier to get himself to college, I'm guessing painful, is somewhere in the answer to that question. Talking of Will he has a lot of homework to do this holiday so that's his week just about sorted, he hasn't had too much for weeks then they've piled it on for the half term holidays, seems a little cruel, but I guess that's year 11 for you, it's a serious time.
I'm going to go now as Neil went into the kitchen about half an hour ago to make me a coffee and he's still missing, I'm only slightly concerned as I can't hear banging or anything.
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