So I broke all of my own records and woke up at 3 o'clock this morning, I decided to try and do puzzles to fall asleep, but Herbie had other ideas. Herbie is my ginger cat, he came to us from the RSPCA, about 7 years ago now, and Neil says he is evil. I don't agree with that I think it's more of a bi-polar disorder, he is all fine and loving and rubbing round your legs, so you stroke him, then he hisses and tries to take your hand off. He's had Neil on the face before, and he doesn't hold his punches. So imagine how unnerving it is for that cat to be all loving and affectionate and trying to curl up round your face at 3 in the morning, it's like trying to sleep with a wriggly grenade, you keep very still. I did at least manage to go back to sleep, not sure what Neil would think though as I had a pen in one hand and the puzzle book in the other when I woke up, still he's probably used to the weird stuff by now.
Right so this afternoon I am going for an MRI scan, I'm not sure what it is going to be like but I am feeling really nervous, probably explaining the reason for my early rising this morning, I do have to admit I am stressing just a little. I mainly wish that I wasn't going on my own, no that's not true I wish Neil was coming with me, but I seem to have so many stupid hospital appointments and he is so busy at work that I don't like to ask. Still I am a little scared, so maybe I should ring him and ask if there's a chance he could come, of course then he'll be cross I never mentioned it before, which of course is silly of me. Oh well I'll let you know tomorrow how it all goes.
Hey I have a sink in my utility, this time the right way up inset into the breakfast bar. Way hey! I hear you all say, now this is moving along with some speed. Well no it isn't, yesterday it all went wrong, we have square clips to attach the sink to the breakfast bar, and the sink has round holes. Story of my life really trying to put a square peg into a round hole. So Neil had to stop what he was doing and drove to B&Q, they were thoroughly unhelpful and told him he needed to contact the manufacturer of the sink to get replacement clips. Well he won't be they only one, Neil went and looked at all the other sinks that they had, different designs and brands and they all had packets in with square clips and the sinks have round holes, oops. Still it looks in, and it looks nice, and he's moved the tumble drier and some other stuff back into the utility so at least I have a bit more of my kitchen back. I know you are probably wondering why I still have the tumble drier when it tried to actually set my clothes alight, well it does heat them through, as long as you don't leave them in too long, so it sort of works, we just don't put it on for long, and we never leave the house if it is. I will be getting a new one at some point, but the utility has already cost quite a bit, so I think I'll have to manage for the time being.
Today I need to decide which question I'm going to do for my first essay on the American Civil War, then I can pick up some books from the library tomorrow and actually start work on it. Of course this is a very good plan, and it will remain to be seen if that is how this first essay works out, calmly planned and executed, or I could put off doing it and rush to get it done at the last minute. These things (plans) are very flexible.
I'm going to chill out for a few hours now, until I have to get ready to go to the hospital. Here's hoping we all have a peaceful start to our weeks.
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