Friday, 14 October 2011

Twelve weeks + 6

Well my day yesterday was incredibly busy, I hardly had time to spin never mind sit down, but being busy is sometimes a good thing, distracts you from things you might otherwise have the time to worry about, so busy is good. Plus actually doing some work for real ,earning a little bit of money, even if it is only a little bit, that will be good for me too. I do have to admit that I don't have a complete understanding of what I am doing for Neils work,  but I seem to understand enough to get it done. I brought all the work home with me so I can continue with it without having to drive all the way in to Birmingham. Funnily Neil didn't take it too well when I said, I'd rather stay at home, not because he wanted me there, far from it, but I think my comment of "Seriously do you know how long it took me to get here!", when it's a trip he makes every day was not very well received. Still he had his revenge when he sent me home at 5 o'clock so I'd have time to cook his dinner. We are a funny pair. We actually had chips from the chip shop and Xander worried me a little by not eating a lot of his, I do hope he's not sickening for something, not with our fun day planned for tomorrow. 

Actually cooking- wise I've done really well this week, Neil and I ate out on Monday, as a reward for me having to have an MRI scan (yes a meal is the standard rate for that), then chips last night, and what about today? Well it's our wedding anniversary and we've been married for 22 years, I find that quite incredible that somebody with my flighty nature can stick at anything for that long, but anyway I'm pretty sure that should be worth another meal out, or at least a take away. Mind you I'll be making up for the lack of cooking this week with all the lovely grub I have planned to make for tomorrow, for which I must remember to shop. Home made mini pizzas, coleslaw and smoked ham and brie frittata to mention a few, I know sounds pretty yummy, lets hope it tastes good too. Laura is bringing Indian snacks (if I remember to remind her) and the boys are really looking forward to it, the adults I'm not so sure about as we are apparently relegated to the caravan (according to Will) if we want any peace at all, as the boys are taking over the house (well the downstairs at least), I think it's safe to say that we may need wine to help us get through this traumatic event.

Back to today, well I have to finish this pretty quick as I have work to do (for real money), how cool is that? Then I'm off to Summerhill this afternoon I think for my favourite lesson, the double year 10 group. There are some real characters in that group and some of them are so keen on History that it's almost embarrassing. Then I have to do Malarky, take Ned to the woods and shop for the food for tomorrow, is it my imagination or aren't there actually enough hours in a day to do all those things? Anyway I should really go now and let the fun begin.

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