Thursday, 13 October 2011

Twelve weeks + 5

I have the most amazing kids, they both say and do incredible things at times, and make me want to murder them at others, but yesterday was definitely Xanders day. He came with me to the field to do Malarky and then stropped off when I asked him to push the wheel barrow, well we are all quite used to Xanders stropping now so I gave him a sharp reply, and sent him to the car. Then he came back and said "why do we keep doing this?", so I asked him to explain and he said, "you shouting at me because I've behaved stupidly, and act like I don't care about anyone but myself. I don't like you being angry with me". So I asked him if it was me at fault or him or both of us, and he said the fault was all his, he didn't know why he said and did those things but it was all his fault. "why don't you just put me on a ban?" he said so I laughed and told him that it worked well with Will but it never seemed to affect him he'd just take himself off to bed. "I tell you what" he said "How about I try and change my ways by Sunday and if I haven't managed it you can put me on a permanent ban, apart from using the computer to do my homework". Well I just laughed, and took him up on his offer, like I said he's pretty amazing. Not many 11 year olds do their own parenting for you, and in front of you.

I also behaved incredibly badly yesterday whilst on the phone to Student Finance England, I mean it all started off well enough, whilst I was inputting numbers and pass codes and things into the phone, it was only when an actual person came on the line that the whole thing went rapidly downhill. Now to give you an idea of how efficient Student Finance England is I do have to tell you that the rumour is that part of the interview process for employees included a question about organisational skill and their ability to possibly organise a piss up in a brewery, you can imagine which ones actually got through that process, can't you. So I asked about my student loan, and he could tell me nothing, I asked if he could put me through to someone that could, but no, I asked if I could speak to the "manual assessment department" (sound a little painful to me), which is where my application is, but no I couldn't. I even asked to speak to his manager, but no that was not possible. So I lost my cool and said that I'd never heard anyone have anything good to say about Student Finance England and that they were right they were all a bunch of tossers. I then gently replaced my receiver. It wasn't big or funny but it sure felt great! To be fair I keep telling everyone I don't possess even the most basic skills when it comes to being tactful, so they shouldn't really let me use the phone at all should they. 

So to today, well it's Summerhill for me this morning and you know how much I love that, I just need to decide what to wear. It isn't normally an issue I have school clothes; smart trousers and a couple of blouses. Specifically bought for wearing to school, I know a little sad, but that's me, I thought that if I dressed like I thought a teacher should I'd feel more at home. Trouble is I bought myself a pair of boots yesterday, the perfect sort for wearing with leggings and am tempted to let the real Maxine go to school instead of the school teacher one, wouldn't I feel more relaxed in my normal persona. Plus Will said they were cool boots and told me I was under no circumstances allowed to wear them to school, which makes it doubly tempting. Now my day just filled up completely as Neil has rung and asked if I'd go into work and help them out with something, that's real work for real money, way hey! I'd better get a wriggle on then hadn't I.

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