Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Eleven weeks + 4

Wednesdays seem much further along in the week than they used to, I guess it's just one of those getting older kind of things. It could be something to do with my second half of the week being so much busier than the first so that if I haven't get something done by Wednesday morning, it won't get done until the weekend. Trouble is when you go back to Uni you think you have a couple of weeks just to get back into the rhythm of things but in reality it's only a couple of weeks before the first assignment is due in, OK now I've made myself feel a little bit panicky! Breathe Maxine, Breathe. OK thats' better, let's not do that again, I can get into a slightly psychotic thing when I have essays due, so I'll apologise for the neurotic behaviour to come, now. Sorry. Actually I should find it so much easier this year, as last year I took extenuating circumstances on my essays due in at Christmas, only to find myself with 6 due in at once in March, Oops didn't really cover it! 

You will be glad to hear that having the normal lecturer back on a Tuesday made a vast improvement on the subject matter, I mean the American Civil War should be an interesting subject really, and I managed to not go to sleep after being up since 4 in the morning so I think he did a good job. The only slightly dodgy part is that he walks about a lot and picks your stuff up to use as props when demonstrating loading guns and things, but as long as I sit in the middle I think I'll be safe, well safer anyway. That's the module that I have my first assignment to do for, so I really could do with getting into the subject before I actually try to write something down about it! Today I have Germany 1871 - 1949 which is a lot more interesting than you'd think. We've looked at some great photos from the time, it's kind of cool having photos to help, shame they didn't have the technology in Tudor times, it could solve a few queries for me, like were they really that colourful, and was Henry VIII really that fat? So what I need is a time travelling photographer, of course why didn't I think of that sooner.

You won't believe what happened to me yesterday, I didn't have any washing to do, I mean there wasn't a load, not in the whole house. I checked, Twice! I can only assume I was in some kind of freak vortex or something and that all the washing baskets will be full again this morning. They say an army marches on it's stomach, well this house marches on it's clothes, OK that made no sense, but I never ever have NO washing, it just doesn't happen. So that could be taken it two very different ways, either I'm juggling all those balls pretty well and have got on top of the washing in the house (really it never happens) or, and I'm afraid far more likely, they haven't been putting their washing in the baskets (yes there are 5 of them in my house, maybe that's the problem). This is a query that only time can resolve. I'll let you know.

I have to go now I'm afraid, as I need to kick Will out of bed, for Christmas I'm going to buy him the loudest alarm clock I can find, preferably with a punching hand to bop him on the nose every morning, that just might work.

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