OK there was no blog yesterday as I was away overnight and didn't get back until the afternoon, and today, trust me it's going to be short. As I have the lurgy (I don't know how you spell that). I felt a bit rough on Saturday but didn't take too much notice and had a really nice time at Pam and Sharons party on Saturday night (I know I had a really good time as I don't really remember the end of it). But as yesterday wore on I became iller and iller, I don't know if it's just a bad cold or what but I'm shivery and cold when everyone else is warm and I ache everywhere, sounds pretty bad and feels pretty bad too. I was supposed to go in to Larkshill today to do some work, but I can hardly cope with up and down the stairs, so after this I am having a bath and going back to bed, as it seems the best place for me (once I've found some paracetamol that is).
There is some humour in this as Will asked yesterday at dinner (yes I cooked but it wasn't very exciting), what was wrong with me, and as I reckoned I had a cold I said as much. Then the classic ignorant response "so were you standing about in the cold a lot at the party?" it's a bit worrying as Will wants to do A level biology, still. I informed him that you don't get a cold from being cold, you catch it from somebody else who has one. "OK, so they were out in the cold too much", to be fair I was feeling pretty rough and now he was making my head spin. "No, you can only catch a cold from somebody else that has one." Of course the moment you think these things are sorted it means you have missed out a vital factor, in this case Xander, who piped up "so how did the first person to get a cold get one?". I give in completely, I am defeated.
Now I'm going back to bed and taking my lurgy with me, I'm pretty sure it isn't the kind of thing that transmits down the internet, but just don't get too close to the screen just in case.
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