Friday, 18 November 2011

Seventeen weeks + 6

I'm having trouble writing this this morning as Denny (one of my cats) seems to be having some kind sit in protest (on my lap) which is making it quite hard to type. He also likes to roll around and pretend to fall off, so that means I have to rescue him from time to time, I'm not quite sure what the protest is about, could be food and conditions, more likely it's a sixth sense (that cats have) that I want to get up and get myself another cup of coffee. You learn these things, cats get on you when you want to get up, and your kids only want to speak to you when you are on the phone. It's a life lesson kind of a thing, for people without cats and children, well that's OK they get to move around when they want and have uninterrupted phone conversations, I have no clue what that is like. So how am I this morning, well I completely fell out with Cyril last night, who started misbehaving just around dinner time and didn't stop until about 10 o'clock, the only comfort is at least I was home, but I'm getting really fed up with it now. The Fybogel stuff isn't doing a thing, even though I'm taking 2 sachets a day, so I do hope the doctor has some better ideas when I go back to him next Tuesday. Lets hope Cyril is all misbehaved out so at least I can go to Summerhill this afternoon without worrying about it.

I had a great morning at Summerhill yesterday, I love being at the school, mind you I have to remember to ask Miss Wilson if she'll be my PGCE referee as apparently I need one. I had to log onto a web site yesterday to try and apply to get onto the course, it's pretty complicated, and I'm quite smart, so I'm guessing it's a way of weeding out people without even trying. It kept asking me if I had any convictions, I mean it asked three or four times, I was beginning to develop a paranoia, especially when every time I clicked no, it logged me out and I had to log in again. Still I can cope with awkward software, after all I fixed the internet yesterday, so there's pretty much nothing I can't do today. OK I can't get out of my chair at the moment but that's another matter entirely. 

I must take Ned to the woods today, as he was supposed to go yesterday and I ran out of daylight. That's the problem with this time of year, I love it in the summer we can go to the woods after dinner, it's a nice way to spend the evening, now the days are so short I'm having to cram in things like Ned and Malarky into a much shorter time frame, still it won't be that long before they start getting longer again, so that will be better (I know it's a month away, I'm being optimistic). My boys have both gone to school in civvies today, as it's a MUFTI day, does anyone actually know what that word means, we didn't use it when I was at school we just called them non-uniform days. Anyway it's to raise money for Children in Need, well that's a couple of quid I've already donated. I suggested that Will wear a smart T-shirt, he's gone to school in a space invader one, I give up with that kid I really do, if that's his idea of smart he's a lost cause. He looks so much older not in his uniform, still I'm guessing it's going to be a little odd with all of them in their own clothes this afternoon, that's a new one for me to deal with.

Well I have a morning to myself so I'm going to chill out a bit and have maybe some more coffee (if Denny ever gets off), I may even do some housework, but as it's Fun Time Friday maybe not.

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