Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Seventeen weeks + 3

Well yesterday was long and mostly satisfying, I handed in my completed essay at Uni, then drove into Birmingham, avoiding ambulances and crazy people on duel carriageways, to do a 5 hour stint at Larkshill. Then home again via Malarky just in time to have 1/2 hour before I had to cook the tea. Then deal with the shopping delivered by ADSA and to walk the dog. All in all quite a busy day, even if I do say so myself. Today I am chilling out for a while, but don't let that fool you, I have to take Ned to the woods, and pick some horse feed on the way back. I really need to pop to cooltrader to stock up my little freezer (which is back in it's dishwasher slot) as there are no chips in my house any more. Then apart from Malarky and Uni I guess I only have housework to do. I know I've said it before, but I really do think my life is just a little too exciting.

I decided on Sunday night to tell Neil to forget about buying a caravan for a while, as I really think he should think about changing his car. He's had it for a few years now, and I'm sure he could do with a change, plus he's been driving me nuts looking at caravans on ebay, I could really do with a break from it. Now of course he's driving me nuts looking at cars on ebay, so I'm not sure that I've actually improved my situation at all. But it seems like a sensible decision, as if we bought a caravan now it would only be sitting on the drive doing nothing until at least Easter next year. I do enjoy caravanning, and I love going to the site in Aberystwyth, but I can live without owning a caravan for a while, whereas I figure, he's the wage earner, he deserves to at least have the opportunity to enjoy his endless trips in and out of Birmingham every day, which a new car will give him the opportunity for, if only for a while.

As for my health, well I've been taking those stupid cack Fybogel drinks for a week now, and as they have had no effect whatsoever, I've now got to increase it to 2 a day, aren't I a lucky girl. Thing is I do get quite a bit of fibre in my diet anyway, so I'm erring on the side of some sort of food intolerance or something like that that's actually causing my problems. I'm hoping that after another week of this, my doctor will refer me to a dietician, or at least do something else. With me I think it's worrying that now I don't eat, or I eat very little if I know I'm going to be out for a while, which is like Cyril being in control, and that I don't enjoy at all, plus it's definitely not doing my digestive system any good. After going through everything, it would be stupid to flounder at this late stage because there's something I eat that's upsetting my stomach. 

You will be glad to hear that nobody got trapped in their room last night, in fact it was an almost uneventful evening, just the sort we like. Oh Neil is booking off Monday and Tuesday next week so that we can go Christmas shopping together, isn't that a nice idea? Apparently he wants to go to Worcester, well we haven't been shopping there for years, so my first job is to find out if there's a Wetherspoons there, that just might be a deal breaker for Neil. Right now I'm going in search of some breakfast, before I have my delicious Fybogel drink, yuk!

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