Thursday, 17 November 2011

Seventeen weeks + 5

I nearly didn't have a blog this morning, I got up to find Xander on the computer watching a movie, well that's odd for him (the movie, not being up), when he announced that the internet wasn't working. Now that made more sense, so I kicked him of the PC and had a quick look (I attempted to open Google) sure enough the internet wasn't there, so I restarted the computer (I'm not married to a tech geek for nothing), hmm, no that made no difference what so ever. OK I said to Xander "I'm running a diagnostic on the network", "Wow Mom that's the most computery thing I think you've ever done". We'll ignore the lack of real words involved in the sentence and I will also point out it was an option I discovered when I accidentally clicked a button on the right hand side of the screen. After much deliberation the computer told me that the internet wasn't working, well Xander told me that 1/2 hour earlier, but we won't go into that, so I did the only really technical thing available to me at that time in the morning, (no I didn't ring Neil, which I have been known to do before, as the internet not working isn't apparently an emergency, just shows what he knows!) I turned everything off at the socket and waited for a bit, then turned everything back on again, I know the scale of my genius has no limits. So internet fixed I can get down to writing my daily blog.

Yesterday my brother came for a visit, I bet you didn't even know I had one, well I do his name is Elliot, and he'd be 3rd in line to the throne, if there were such a thing in my family, and you have to feel sorry for him growing up with three sisters, especially when one of them was me. He rang whilst I was at the field, and said "where are you?", and got slightly confused when I said I was up the field with the boys, he was sitting outside my house having dropped someone off in Wolverhampton he thought he'd pop in. Well it's typical really because I'm in far more than I'm out and I rarely take both of the boys with me, so that was a skilled piece of timing on his part. He stopped for a couple of hours, chatting until Neil came home then went on his merry way with a promise of a return visit for an evening soon. He's recently split up from his girlfriend and is trying to rebuild his life, so it was nice to chat to him and see how he is doing. 

So what of me today, well I have Summerhill this morning, with Miss Wilson back this week, I may find out what was really thought about me teaching that lesson last week, because despite the fact that I enjoyed it, I probably shouldn't have done it really. Still it's done now, I can't take it back. I love my time at Summerhill but I really should remember it is actually a module as well, I have a log that I keep forgetting to write up. I have written it down, all on pages of my puzzle books in the bedroom, so it's just a matter of finding them, and typing it up on the computer. I know that's a little bit mad, but I'd hate to forget what I did each week, and if it comes to mind at 4 o'clock in the morning in the middle of a cross word, who am I to argue. I also have another piece of work to do on it, though it's a self evaluation, so I'm thinking I just say I was amazing and hope for top marks (I'm kidding), I have no clue what that is all about, I'll let you know after I've seen my tutor in the next couple of weeks.

Anyway I had better go and get ready, another cup of coffee first though I think, don't you?

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