Saturday, 26 November 2011

Nineteen weeks later

I'm finding it hard to believe that's it's only 4 weeks until Christmas, yesterday it was a month away and that seemed a lot better. I do have some assignments to do before then which are occupying my mind a lot at the moment so who knows what everyone will end up with for their actual presents. Mind you if my kids keep buying games I'll have nothing left to buy them anyway, Xander persuaded Neil to take him to Merry Hill last night where he exchanged 4 games he doesn't play any more for one ( for £40) that he really wanted, Will thought it was a really good idea and came downstairs with a selection of 6 games that he didn't play any more and looked them up on the internet to see what they were worth, it turned out only £20, so I'm not sure what that says about Wills taste in games. A couple of them were only worth £1.20, and Neil said "keep the game I'll give you the money" as it just seemed too sad. Still when Xander got back from Merry Hill Neil said he was as happy as a dog with 2 tails, so that gives you some idea of how good his new game is, just don't ask me what it's called as I've lost track of who has what in this house, I can't even work an XBox controller so I stay well away from it all.

Neil says I have to tell you about something funny that Xander said last night at dinner, I think because it might be embarrassing for me he thinks I wouldn't put it in here, how wrong is he? Anyway we were eating dinner and Neil commented on my blouse, saying he hadn't seen it before, after my reply of "I've had it ages" and the usual isn't that a standard wife lie when a top is really new kind of humour from Neil, so I said "I don't wear it very often as I have to be in the right mood", which to me seemed a perfectly sensible comment to make about an item of clothing. Then Xander said "exactly what kind of mood is that?" which according to Neil was hilarious, then he and Will went on to tell me that my blouse looked like camouflage netting, well whatever mood I have to be in to wear it, it's not ever going to happen again. I asked why on earth nobody had told me that before I spent the afternoon at school in it, to which, of course, Neil repeated his comment that he'd never seen it before otherwise he would have. Great so now my taste in clothes is the butt of all of their jokes, is there nothing of mine that's safe?

How is my day going to pan out, well I have a lot to do, including going to Malarky and taking Ned to the woods, all this morning as I'm supposed to be off to my Moms for a party this afternoon. Right now all I really want to do is go back to bed, as I feel like I'm coming down with a cold, and am not going to be very good company. Mind you if all the men in the house are going to pick on me, I may as well get away from them for a while and leave them to their boy things. I guess I just have to hope that 24 hours isn't long enough for them to install a pool table, a bar and a pizza oven. 

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