Yesterday actually went a lot better than I thought, we played divide and conquer. I went to the horse show and Neil took Xander to get foot wear. It's funny, when your kids are little and first start having shoes, you both take them, but getting shoes pretty soon becomes a job for Mom, then as time progresses I'm assuming that if you had girls, they might go with their friends to get shoes and clothes and things. Well my boys wouldn't buy clothes and shoes and things unless they had a gun pointed at their heads so somebody needs to go with them (gun optional). Now that they are older I'm guessing it's not cool to be seen with Mom, so Dad is the lesser of two evils! I don't mind, it's nice to think that they can communicate effectively enough to buy foot wear without me. So I had a lovely, if windy, time at the show, then came home and cooked a huge Sunday dinner. Neil was carrying things through to the table saying, "is this the last" in a very hopeful voice. I'm not sure exactly how many people I was expecting for dinner but lets just say there are enough vegetables left over for another four people, who really like them (my boys don't really like veg's, Will won't eat any and Xander only sweetcorn really, and Neil, well he eats peas). Oh well left overs for me for the next two days. I did make home made yorkshire puddings though, funny there aren't any of those left over, and I had to hide the sausage meat stuffing so there was some of that. I do like cooking a huge Sunday dinner, I don't care if they don't really like it, I do, both the process and the eating, I'm in my element on Christmas day, but I do have people who come to my house to take away the left overs then, just to help me out!
Now I have a Xander funny to tell you, but you have to promise not to mention it to him, as he would be embarrassed, I know I shouldn't really tell, but it was so funny I can't help it (well it was funny at the time). So I'm driving to the woods, with Ned and Xander in the car, Ned being the reason we are going and Xander coming just for the company (I bribed him). We were driving past some fields that the local kids football clubs use for practicing on when Xander said, "you can walk your dog on there", well I was pretty sure that they were private fields and not for dog walking, so I asked what he meant, he said "there's a man on there, you can just see him", in Xanders defence there is a fence and a patchy hedge. "No, ignore me" he said "it's a lawn mower". So if anyone needs to walk their lawn mower I can give you the address of a nice field you can take it to.
He also gave me heart failure this morning, he left the house to go to school, and I always watch him and wave.Then a car pulls up, a big black one with tinted windows, I thought maybe lost and asking for directions I did think that's how they trick kids into cars. Then to my horror Xander appears to get into the car, I'm starting to wonder exactly how fast I can run in my slippers, when it pulls off and the driver waves to me, phew it's his friends Mom. I really need to get my eyes checked out, I could do without the excitement. Anyway I should probably go and do something productive, I'm toying with the idea of hanging out some washing, I'm not concerned that it might rain, just that I may have to fetch it back from the next street as it is really windy!
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