Thursday, 29 September 2011

Ten weeks + 5

Well I woke up today and my calf muscles are killing me, I can imagine that Carla would be laughing right now and saying what calf muscles (she calls me chicken legs, affectionately), trouble is I really do not remember doing anything yesterday that would cause them to ache. OK I walked up and down the stairs at Uni, it's 3 flights, but I did that last week and I was fine. I skipped out the field, but again this is nothing new, so I'm completely confused. I know that at some point during the day it will hit me, that I did something really silly and repetitive yesterday to have caused this, but right now my mind is a blank. I guess that's another sign of old age, Xander will be pleased.

I really did have a nice day yesterday, I really enjoyed my lecture at Uni, such a relief after the one on Tuesday evening. Then I took myself to my field and sat and had a picnic lunch in the sunshine with Malarky, whilst he munched on his lunch too. Unfortunately he finished before me and came ambling over to investigate what I had, if you can imagine I was sat cross legged on the floor and he towered over me before I could sort my legs out, needless to say he managed to steal some of my BBQ pringles before I could untangle my legs, and was aiming for my duck wrap as well. Trouble was I was laughing too much and telling him that horses shouldn't eat pringles, but he wasn't taking any notice of that, I spilt hoisin sauce all down my top it must have looked really funny. So I let him have a couple of pringes to appease him, he's a good boy, but he's an eat first ask questions later kind of a horse. 

I mentioned to Will yesterday that we were having a mini heatwave, he replied, "I don't call this mini", so I explained that the mini referred to the length of time it was hot for, not the temperature. It reminded me of a rabbit I once owned, no bare with me you'll see what I mean when I tell you. I wanted a pet rabbit and my parents agreed as long as it wasn't too big, we already had a couple of guinea pigs so thought a smaller rabbit would fit in better. So I got one, called Baggage (do not ask I have no clue why I called it that), he was a mini lop eared rabbit, notice the mini, that was the clue. Anyway he grew and grew and grew and I was like, hang on that's not my idea of mini, turns out the "mini" part only referred to his ears, they were smaller than normal lop eared rabbits ears. Oh well you live and learn, and you see now why I thought of that. It's very easy to get confused by the names of things. (well it is if you're me)

Today I have a full day, Summerhill this morning with Miss Wilson. Then I have to go and do Malarky, I've bought him a new lick so he's going to like me today, have I mentioned licks before they are like really big sweets for horses, full of special oils and vitamins and things and they smell really nice, they don't taste as nice as they smell (well not to people, yes I tried one, who wouldn't). Malarky will enjoy it, however, he will lick it and lick it until his nose is all brown, then he'll discover he has an itch somewhere and rub his nose on that patch, until it's brown, and so on. It is another way for him to become a skewbald (brown and white horse, OK Carla I hear you, to be correct it's any other colour and white horse, we have to get things right as she's a Lecturer in Equine Studies at the local college), becoming skewbald seems to be the main goal of most greys (white horses). Then once the boys get back from school, Will and I will take Ned to the woods (it's a timetabled thing), then Neil and I have Xanders parents evening at 7.30. 

I think that's full enough day, so I had better go and get it started, and no I don't have washing to hang out (yet), I forgot to turn the machine on again, typical.

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