Well that's another week, very nearly over. All I have to do is get through this morning, which will be mainly housework, then I'm off to Summerhill again for my other half day. It will be the first afternoon I've done and Miss Wilson has a year 10 class for double history, so with the years 7,8 and 9 on a Thursday morning that will give me a really nice view of a wide range of children in the classroom. I have told Will he can get a lift home with me, so all that remains is for him to work out whether not having to walk is worth the embarrassment of being seen with me. He says it's not me that's embarrassing, but the fact that I'm practically a teacher, I've decided to take that as a compliment. So to get to the end of Friday I only have to do Malarky and survive Neil finishing the floor tiles in the utility, I may loiter at the field for longer than is really necessary to minimise that part of the day.
Yesterday Xander had computer club after school, I remember Will doing it as well, that seems so long ago. Anyway he came home with some fake money, with his head on, and a space marine figure (do not worry if you have no clue what that is, just think soldier) again with his head super-imposed on it. It looked really great, and was a far better picture of him than his official school photo, so I'm thinking of getting a couple of copies made and giving them to his Grandparents instead. He's reluctant to go to school today as he says he feels sick, I have a very strict rule about actually seeing sick before I keep him off school, especially with an absence of any other symptoms (I know mean Mom), but once he's actually at school I'm sure that he'll be fine. He says they were handling rotten food in science yesterday and that has put him off going to school today, well today he's got maths, literacy , games and music so that will be much better. (OK I'm not making a very good case for school here at all, I'll stick with the "it's a necessary evil" and "we all had to do it").
I know you are wondering if I timetabled my weekend, alas no. I thought weekends should be impulsive, besides Neil's around then so he tends to plan things. His parents are coming on Saturday afternoon, and we are going out to eat at the local pub, very nice, all round as the food is great and they have real ale for Neil, and we walk so we can both have a drink. Then on Sunday My Dad and Jill (Step-Mom) are coming, and I will be cooking, what that will be, I don't yet know but it's bound to involve potatoes! Interestingly both mine and Neils Dad are coeliacs, if you don't know what that is, they are allergic to gluten, gluten is in flour and flour is in everything. It doesn't make them too hard to cook for once you get used to it (hence the potatoes), but it does make eating out a bit tricky. Zol, the chef at the pub has a sister-in-law who's a coeliac so he understands and is happy to make sure that the food is gluten free (as long as he knows in advance he has a coeliac coming). It is nice to finally have a good local, the pub has changed hands (and names) a few times since we've lived here and at last is a local we can be proud of. I should tell you it's called The Wall Heath Tavern, and it sells Enville Ales (local brewery). That's my advertising done, I should get on with my day, I have managed to get Xander to leave and go to school, but he's not happy, keep your fingers crossed he stays there and I don't get a phone call to fetch him home (the teachers have been known to fall for his acting skills before).
Oh, please feel free to have yourselves a Fun Time Friday again this week, I will be having fun at Summerhill this afternoon (as long as Xander stays put at school), and fun at the field, and I'm sure that if Neil tiling gets too stressful, some cider will help to make that more fun too. Enjoy your day!
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