Sunday, 25 September 2011

Ten weeks + 1

It's not so much fun in my house today as both of my boys have a cold, and in typical male fashion they think they may be dying and are the first people ever to have had such a serious condition. Oh dear, that doesn't sound like it's going to be a fun relaxing Sunday for me. Neil is pretending that they are behaving normally and has gone back to the tiling. Typical. At least he may get it finished today, he has all day until my Dad and Jill get here (about 4 o'clock) so we will have to wait and see how that goes. I, on the other hand am planning to spend the day reading (for Uni not for pleasure), taking Ned to the woods and going to do Malarky. How much company the boys will be on my outings remain to be seen, I wonder if the old chestnut "fresh air will do you good" will actually work on either of them. Will has actually gone back to bed as he couldn't get to sleep last night, as he informed be at 4.30 this morning, luckily I was already awake. Now I am being entertained by Xander who every so often in between sniffs, makes a little groaning noise, as I said it's going to be a fun day.

We did all have a lovely meal out last night though, and Will was even vaguely adventurous and had the fish fingers, they are home made in beer batter and not something that fits into his "processed food" diet, so well done Will. Xander had gammon and chips and his piece of gammon was huge, and the smaller of the two sizes available on the menu, so my kids ate well yesterday. It's a good job as I'm cooking today and I'm not sure exactly what I'm cooking yet, so they may not eat quite so well today. I can say that it would be impossible to find something that I could cook that all of us, including my Dad and Jill would eat, so I will have to go with the majority. I had thought of making corned beef hash, which means only Will won't eat it, not traditional Sunday fair but pretty easy to do, or I could fall back on a roast chicken dinner, but that would be a selfish act as it's my personal favourite meal (if I can't have chinese food, which I can't).

I need to look at my timetable for the week, and factor in some more reading time for Uni, it's really important that I get my assignments right this year, my degree classification depends on it, and getting onto a PGCE course might depend on the degree classification, so no pressure there at all. It's funny, it's only the end of the first week back at Uni I can't believe I'm already getting stressed about assignments when I don't have one due in for weeks, I hope I can manage it better than last year. Some of that may depend on my MRI scan now on the 10th October, if the results of that are OK I think that my assignments will go better, don't you? Mind you being at Uni gives me somewhere else to focus my stress, instead of on the scans etc, that seem to be dogging my life at the moment, I guess there's a possibility that it will always be like this. 

Right I've promised Xander a bacon and egg sandwich to cheer him up, and I need to go out and buy all the boxes of tissues that I can find. Hope everyone else has a peaceful Sunday.

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